March 2, 2013


Hello friends! I haven't been updating the blog like I've wanted to for the past couple of months. First off, my husband man's camera had to be sent to little brother-in-law for his journalist classes and second, I'm preggers. I'm Pregnant!
It has been very up and down for the past few months. The (morning) sickness started a couple weeks after Christmas and has been a really difficult thing to deal with. It has gotten better each week, so this week was better than the last, etc, but I'm not very hearty so it has still been hard.
A few of the blogs I love reading have also had baby on the mind. If you read Clothed Much, you'd know she had her baby. I am totally going to refer to her blog for clothing inspiration. Whenever I get out of my slump. And Spring comes. I usually dress like a hobo in the winter, and add in being sickly, and you've got an expert hobo dresser.
Anyway, a couple other blog girls have yet to become pregnant, for medical reasons (I'm supposing). This makes me so sad. For a couple of reasons... :( I'm being a big boob-head and selfish about feeling sick a lot, so them wanting to be pregnant kind of makes me cringe. Why would you want to be pregnant if you could possibly be sick for 9 months? You know? Another reason it makes me sad is because it is such a wonderful thing. I know, I sound contradictory. It really is a beautiful thing, and they can't experience it. It is amazing cuz you're a human with a human inside of you! What! A humanoid thing has been created from almost nothing! Seriously, things so small that you have to look under a microscope. And then the cells split or divide (or whatever) and grow and grow and then all of a sudden a human baby thing is born! haha... There are also great things from being a mother. The love you feel for a child is one that requires having a child. I haven't quite figured this love out yet, but I think as the weeks go on I'll feel it more.
Anyhow... I'm hoping when Spring gets here I'll feel even better. Then I can ditch my hobo clothes and attitude and start blogging more...