May 30, 2013

modest fashion blogs/blogging thoughts

So I was on the Mormon Fashion Bloggers list a few months ago (from clothedmuch). I was really excited to be on the list. It was kind of... It was definitely a step outside of my comfort bubble. When I saw my blog on the list I was actually really excited. To be on the list, though, you have to post a monthly photo of a modest outfit you wore (there are a couple other things you need/have to do). Well, eventually I just stopped blogging because I felt so ill from the baby-dooder that is kickin' around inside of my tummy... I checked if I was still on the list and I wasn't. A few others weren't and the list has been very well updated. I'm glad that it has been updated and that I have been removed from the list. It shows that the list is a serious thing and that clothedmuch is a serious blog. I am grateful for that! It shows integrity. Anyway, I had fun being on the list just because I was a part of something. If I ever decide I'd like to be on it again I hope I can keep it up for a while.

examples of 'fashion blogging'

At the same time, though, I feel like blogging is kind of...superficial?? I don't know. Maybe it is just superficial for me? I've had mixed thoughts on it. When I feel well and life is good, I like blogging. But then life does its thing and eventually I take a blog break because I feel so blah that I can't even finish a sentence when I go to write during those times. You know?? Besides that I kind of think fashion blogging is really self-centered... Beauty is really hard to depict objectively. We all think of beauty differently. I think that is the hardest part for me when I look at a fashion blog. The way I look at beauty and what is modest is certainly different than what someone else thinks. It is human nature, totally normal.
So, maybe I just need to keep doing what I'm doing and share what I want on the blog, with total confidence that I love it and think it is wonderful. I'll also keep up with blogs that share the same sorts of views and whatnot.

Anyway, those are my thoughts for now.

May 28, 2013


I'm 27 weeks! Woo hoo! Here's two semi recent photos. 

This shirt is not flattering, but it does fit... Which means its going to get worn. And apparently stretched out. My supply of belly bearable shirts is running out. I've got two maternity shirts with the ruching on the sides, but I am trying to save them for days where I want to be "put together", ya know?

Woo hoo for golf! I'm glad I can still golf. Well, I really just like being on the range. Haha. Real golfing involves aiming. I have yet to learn that skill.... Luckily I just paid an insane amount of tuition for my one-credit golf class at the university, so hopefully that'll help!! (By George, it'd better help!!!)

Spring is in the air (an old unpublished post from March!)

I logged onto blogger just now and found this post waiting to be worked on. Even though it is from March I think I'll still post it. I have been thinking about our apartment and how I felt there, so it was a coincidence to see these photos pop up! We moved out of our apartment in March during my spring break for the semester. It was also my birthday that weekend. haha. I was also feeling ill and nauseous because of baby-doo. It was a sad goodbye and a confusing one... It was hard to go but we decided to do it and we did! It feels good to do. To actually make a decision and do it. We are a lot happier where we are now, but it is still hard. It is hard because I am being prideful and ungrateful. Other than that, life has actually been a lot happier. Warmer weather and getting past the first months of pregnancy also have helped!

decorations on the apartment door for February/winter

Midnite is the awesomest cat ever...

tattoo from the gum with the zebra...helped me stay awake in class

My old lady cat Sassy. She is so pretty.

March/spring decorations on the apartment door.

First Sunday wearing something other than boots and/or tights. Plus the sun was out!
(I'm glad March is gone and it is May now!)