May 30, 2013

modest fashion blogs/blogging thoughts

So I was on the Mormon Fashion Bloggers list a few months ago (from clothedmuch). I was really excited to be on the list. It was kind of... It was definitely a step outside of my comfort bubble. When I saw my blog on the list I was actually really excited. To be on the list, though, you have to post a monthly photo of a modest outfit you wore (there are a couple other things you need/have to do). Well, eventually I just stopped blogging because I felt so ill from the baby-dooder that is kickin' around inside of my tummy... I checked if I was still on the list and I wasn't. A few others weren't and the list has been very well updated. I'm glad that it has been updated and that I have been removed from the list. It shows that the list is a serious thing and that clothedmuch is a serious blog. I am grateful for that! It shows integrity. Anyway, I had fun being on the list just because I was a part of something. If I ever decide I'd like to be on it again I hope I can keep it up for a while.

examples of 'fashion blogging'

At the same time, though, I feel like blogging is kind of...superficial?? I don't know. Maybe it is just superficial for me? I've had mixed thoughts on it. When I feel well and life is good, I like blogging. But then life does its thing and eventually I take a blog break because I feel so blah that I can't even finish a sentence when I go to write during those times. You know?? Besides that I kind of think fashion blogging is really self-centered... Beauty is really hard to depict objectively. We all think of beauty differently. I think that is the hardest part for me when I look at a fashion blog. The way I look at beauty and what is modest is certainly different than what someone else thinks. It is human nature, totally normal.
So, maybe I just need to keep doing what I'm doing and share what I want on the blog, with total confidence that I love it and think it is wonderful. I'll also keep up with blogs that share the same sorts of views and whatnot.

Anyway, those are my thoughts for now.


  1. I love your thoughts :-) and I love your fashion posts (all your posts really) whether you're on a list or not :-) Xo

    1. Thanks. It's just good to have somewhere to write your thoughts down, you know?!
