September 25, 2012

On another blog...

I just read this article from Modly Chic. I love this blog. This woman is amazing. Go read it: Life Lessons from The Princess Bride

September 19, 2012

liebster blog award thingy

Holy Cow! I've been nominated!? I think?? I'm not sure how this works, but I'll do my best. Here are my answers from Meg from Meg The Cool Girl. I'm so bad at answering questions. :P

[1] If you could meet anyone (past, present, or future), who would it be?
I'd like to meet my parents or grandparents when they were younger. Just so I could see who they were way back when. ha. 

[2] What is your favorite movie?
My favorite movie right now is Narnia...Since I can't think of any other movies and I just watched it. haha. I like the first and second movies a lot since they have so much symbolism about christianity and faith.

[3] What is one secret talent that you have?
I can make a three leaf clover with my tongue. I bet you wanted to know that! HUH? 

[4] What is one thing that you are afraid of?
I'm afraid of the ocean. It is so freaky. 

[5] What is your favorite smell?
Baking smells, especially things like cookies. or the rain. or many good smells... 

[6] What is your favorite holiday?  Why?
I really enjoy my birthday. It is my own personal holiday. Seriously. But if I really have to pick...I like July 4th because it is in the middle of the gloriously hot summer and there are fireworks and hot dogs. Oh yeah. 

[7] What is one of your city, state, or country's best kept secrets?
My city is so dang BEAUTIFUL cuz of the GIANT MOUNTAINS! 

[8] What is the grossest thing you've ever eaten?


i know

[9] If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?  Why?
I'd go everywhere. Sorry...that was so vague. I would really like to travel everywhere. I love people and food and seeing what life is like in other places. I especially love languages.

There you have it! I'm quite the eclectic one! :D haha

I nominate:
Katherine from Thrifted Things
Sherri from Sherriamour
Nikki from Adore Style

Here are my questions for you three!
1. Do you have a favorite book? What is it?
2. If you could buy a brand new car, what would it be?
3. Are you a cat or dog dog person?
4. Where was your least favorite vacation?
5. Mac or Windows? 
6. Do you ever think you'll chop off your long locks? 
7. What styles do you think are the most unflattering?
8. If you could live anywhere, would you actually live there or would you stick to what you know? 
9. Can you speak any other languages?

I hope I did this right! 

p.s. I just got done working on a long essay, so my writing here may be all over the place with typos and all that lovely stuff that comes along with having homework brain :)

(photo from MegThe CoolGirl)

September 12, 2012

en retrospectiva #2

I'm kind of breaking my own rules here. I'm wearing a navy blue shirt with a black and white shirt and with black shoes. Something about me does not do navy blue with black. But it just got did.

September 11, 2012

In retrospect...

So here am I at the Draper temple. This used to be my favorite temple. Something about a boy I used to date and blah blah blah. Now it's a tie between Jordan River and Salt Lake. I know the same things happen in each temple, but there are feelings associated with places. Ya know? So that's how I can say I have a favorite. 

Adios amiguitos

September 10, 2012

what happens when you move: forget, dig up, remember, rejoice


Oh hey.

I really love these shoes. I am usually not a sandal lover and I don't like anything to be around my ankle, so these babies are for sure anomalies in my shoe closet.  I love the colors, though. And they're walkable.    

September 7, 2012

Pika chuder duder booder doo...

This is Pikachu. Can you see her? She's that little fluff ball on the grass about two feet away from me.

My brother calls this my 'paint brush' do. I like my little paint brush pony tail. :) Thanks lil brudder. It is so funny to me that he says that cuz he has hair down to his butt. haha. I'll have to show you sometime. 

Everyone needs to be okay with looking a little derpy, ya know? haha

September 6, 2012


 Here is my church! It is so awesome. You can't see it very well, but the windows are stain (stained?) glass. They are so awesome inside. Purples and blues and yellows with flowers and such. I asked my husband man if I could take a picture of the chapel and he said I shouldn't... I had never thought about it before, but what do you think about that? Is it okay to take a picture of the chapel on the inside if no one is in there? I'm still not sure.

This is a picture of mine and my dude's rings. I love them so much. I'm not a big jewelry girl, but I kind of wanted my ring to be special.

September 3, 2012

As glamorous as it gets-Madonna.

Hey. This is my Madonna dress.
I twirl my skirts. 

Before I cut my hair I could do this little twisty with my hair and I loved it. I haven't tried it since I cut it after this picture was taken. It made my hair feel a little bit cuter. I also tried putting my hair up on the crown (?) of my head. Yeah, I have no idea about head and hair vocabulary. But anyway, I used to do this little poof thing in high school all the time. I don't know what happened, but this Sunday I decided to do it again. And I liked it. Even though I feel like a boy when I wear my hair up. It's just one of those weird personal things that no one else says is true. You know what I mean?!

September 2, 2012


 Here am I! In a tried and true reliable outfit. It is me in a nutshell. Simple, kinda girly, with some color. Ya. And that is how I like it. I think the whole purpose of this blog is to help me be more comfortable with myself and to prove to myself that I am comfortable!I feel reassured by this scripture- Alma 1:27 "...and they did not wear costly apparel, yet they were neat and comely." It tells me that church and every day clothes don't need to be fancy and frilly and showy. They can be simple- and you can still look good and feel comfortable.

 On one side of the apartment we have this lovely yellow hill with the view of the rich people's houses on top.
On the other side we have a nice view of the north end of the valley...and the scary dropoff, which you can't really see in this picture. I really love how 'natural' it looks over here, especially since we are near the busy city.

I'll have four more outfit posts in the near future, but sorry, they're from July and August. :)