Here are some photos from the past few days and thoughts that have been on my mind.
I have been wanting to make fast, easy, or leftover-friendly food lately. My husband and I have gotten tired of boxed foods and eating out. It is more fun to make your own food. Sometimes it can be healthier. haha. Sometimes it costs less. Sometimes it is more fun than eating out! The hard part is finding good recipes. Especially when you want something different all the time.
This pasta dish is from @sonylise (her instagram). She is a student at BYU-I and put this recipe up on her instagram. It is really easy. The only problem I had with it was that my body had had too much rich and heavy stuff that day and needed something lighter. (My preggy belly is actually poking in down at the bottom. haha...) Hence, the smoothie...
This was basically my dinner instead of the pasta. I'm glad I made it. I put in three small yellow peaches, a container of raspberries, one serving size container of greek yogurt, ice, some orange juice, and two spoonfulls of sugar (I had to sweeten it up even more...). I don't really like measuring for smoothies so I just winged it. It was really good and I want to make more smoothies!
It was my first time using our blender. We got it as a gift at the wedding. I hope to use it more in the future!
This lovely creation is from The Cocoa Bean in Provo. They grind cocoa beans instead of coffee beans and basically make frappuccinos. They also have cupcakes, but I'd rather drink my dessert. My husband and I decided we should take short stay-cations down to Provo just to get drinks from here because of one time when we had had car troubles on our way to California for a vacation. It was a serious let down to turn around, but on the way home we stopped at the Cocoa Bean and as soon as I started drinking that frozen chocolatey goodness I immediately felt better. Seriously. It stopped my tears. It was amazing.
Finally, and not food related, is this wonderful carseat!! My father-in-law took me and my husband shopping last Saturday to buy a carseat/stroller combo and crib and mattress. It was fun to see my f-i-l excited about the baby and to get such a generous gift. I was so excited when I got home that I put in my bunny in the carseat to "practice". haha. I have even tried to get the carseat in the car, but my husband doesn't want to put it in yet. He thinks we'll have friends over or something. Yeah...friends over...
Anyway, we are slowly getting prepared with all the things we need for the baby. It has been fun so far. Hopefully baby will let me still have fun when she comes along.